Friday, March 28, 2014

Celebrate Extreme Weight Loss With a Tummy Tuck

According to the CDC, more than 34 percent of the adults in the United States are obese.

 If you're one of the success stories who managed to lose a substantial amount of weight, you should feel amazing.

Yet, many men and women report that they actually feel worse after losing large amounts of weight. Loose sagging skin is one of the biggest complaints, and it's one that can make it impossible to fit into clothes and enjoy the weight loss.

Following excessive weight loss, head to a plastic surgeon to discuss a tummy tuck. While it is a surgical procedure, you'll feel amazing when the loose skin is gone.

The Surgical Steps to a Tummy Tuck

To remove excess skin and fat following weight loss a tummy tuck is often advised. Not only do the rolls of excess skin get removed in this procedure, but the surgeon tightens the abdominal muscles to help create the new, more slender form.

With this surgery, expect to be under general anesthesia for two to five hours. Once you are under the effects of  anesthesia, an incision is made from one hip bone to the other, just above the pubic hair. An additional incision may be made at the belly button. The abdominal muscles are adjusted and secured with sutures and then excess skin and fat are removed from the lower abdomen and the incision at the belly button.

Once the tummy tuck is complete, the incisions are closed using sutures. Drains may be put in place to help fluids drain from the incisions. Your body is wrapped in a compression garment to control swelling and support the healing abdomen. Once you've recovered from the anesthesia, you'll go home to recover.

Recovery and Beyond

At home, your recovery will take at least two weeks, but some patients need a few months before they are able to return to full workout routines. Bruising and swelling are common complaints, but you can use pain medications your surgeon recommends to help alleviate any discomfort. You must avoid vigorous activities for approximately four to six weeks. Your surgeon will advise you when it's safe to resume fitness activities, sexual intercourse, and heavy lifting.

Check out these before and after shots of one of Dr. Robert Kessler's tummy tuck patients. The results are truly amazing. You can experience the same benefits after extreme weight loss. Call Dr. Kessler at (949) 644-6544 to schedule a tummy tuck consultation.

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