Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Resolutions for Aging Beauties??

A new year has arrived, and many people have set their resolutions for 2013.
Adults who are beginning to show signs of aging may want to tailor their vows for 2013 to help them age gracefully. Here are some ideas to consider.

Is it finally time to quit?

 You're probably aware that smoking raises your chances of cancer and heart problems, but did you know that the habit could also have an adverse affect on the skin? Cigarette smoke can make a big impact on the formation of wrinkles and has been known to produce signs of premature aging. Deciding to quit - or at least reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke a day - could end up adding more years to your life while also giving you healthier, younger-looking skin. As with any resolution, it's important to be realistic about your goals. Saying that you won't smoke a single cigarette starting at midnight on January 1 is setting yourself up for disaster. It will likely be more effective if you set benchmarks for yourself. For instance, promise yourself that you'll be smoking three fewer cigarettes a day by April.

A healthier diet for a healthier you?

 The foods you put into your body can affect your skin and body shape. This year, make a promise to include more fruits and vegetables in your diet, and you may find that by the time 2014 rolls around, you look younger, healthier and thinner. Leafy greens such as spinach and kale as well as berries like raspberries and blueberries are known for their anti-aging properties, so add these foods to your shopping list every time you head to the grocery store.

Saving up for your big procedure

 If you've had your eye on a plastic surgery procedure, but have put it off because you can't afford it, then this year perhaps your  resolution should be to save up for the tummy tuck or breast augmentation you've always wanted. You can get yourself excited for your procedure by visiting with a board-certified plastic surgeon, who can also help you figure out exactly how much you need to save to cover the costs of your procedure.