Monday, September 15, 2014

The Biggest Risk Factors for Any Plastic Surgery

How to Mitigate Risks Before Your Plastic Surgery ProcedureThere’s no such thing as a surgery that carries no risk. That doesn’t mean that every surgery is associated with life-threatening consequences, but you should treat every procedure seriously. If you’re identifying the major risk factors that could make you prone to post-surgical complications, you’re already protecting yourself from some of the biggest threats to patients. Find out which risk factors you may have and how to minimize them for surgery.

You’re Not in Good Overall Health

Before you can have any plastic surgery procedure, it is essential that you are evaluated to determine your health status. Many health conditions can put you at risk for complications, including delayed or poor healing. If you have a history of heart disease or are overweight, for example, you will likely be at a greater risk of complications from general anesthesia.

While it might be frustrating to delay your cosmetic surgery, remember that it is in your best interest overall to address your personal health issues first. Certain medications used in your treatments may also put you at increased risks of certain complications, including excessive bleeding or infection. Make sure your general practitioner (or specialist) and your plastic surgeon are fully aware of your medical status and all of your current treatments so they can work with you on a procedural plan that suits your constraints.

You Are a Smoker

Being a smoker is a basic no-no for every type of cosmetic surgery, mostly because the risks are too great. Many surgeons will ask you to temporarily quit smoking for a period of several weeks before and after your procedure, while others may ask you to stop completely. Remember, these requests are made to ensure your optimum health throughout your surgery. Smoking can put patients at an increased risk of the following complications:

  • Necrosis, or the death of tissues due to insufficient oxygen supply. Smokers are at a higher risk of blood vessel constriction, which results in a decreased oxygen supply that could lead to necrosis.
  • Delayed healing. The nicotine in cigarettes can close off blood vessels and restrict blood flow to the areas that need to heal, slowing the recovery process.
  • Pulmonary infection. The lungs are clogged by smoking, which can increase a patient’s risk for a lung infection, including pneumonia.

You Tend to Scar Easily

While scarring might not be a life-threatening complication, for many patients, it’s a deal-breaker. If you’ve had a history of producing excess scar tissue, you could be at risk for the same consequences after a plastic surgery procedure. But don’t panic just yet. By making your surgeon aware of your potential risk for this complication, you can work together to develop strategies that will minimize your chances. Your surgeon may choose a different style of incision placement and you may be asked to incorporate some other techniques into your healing process. Some skincare treatments after surgery can also diminish the appearance of scars, so you always have options.

You Take Herbal Supplements

In today’s world, herbal supplements have become the all-natural champions of the health and fitness world. Many patients make the assumption that these products can’t have an impact, so they often don’t mention them during a plastic surgery consultation. Unfortunately, herbal supplements can indeed increase your risks of bleeding, cardiovascular problems, and more.

It’s not that the herbal supplements are harmful to you so much as how easily they can lead to harmful drug interactions. These supplements can intensity or nullify the effects of the medications necessary for your surgery, including your anesthesia. When patients take these supplements without telling their doctor, they are putting themselves at an increased risk for many unwanted side effects and potentially life-threatening complications.

You Had Unrealistic Expectations

Every patient is unique and every surgery has its limitations, so the combination of patient plus surgery can only result in so much. This is not to say that your results won’t be dramatic, because they certainly can be, provided you work with your plastic surgeon to design the right procedure for you. If you’re looking for rhinoplasty to create an entirely new nose that would be out of proportion with your face, you probably won’t be as satisfied with your results as you expect. Listening to your plastic surgeon and following his or her expert advice on size, shape, and more can guarantee that your results will be right for you every time. Having unrealistic expectations will only lead to disappointment and psychological trouble later on.

You Weren’t Honest With Your Surgeon

During your consultation, your plastic surgeon will ask many questions about your health, medical history, daily habits, and more. Even if these questions make you uncomfortable, try to remember that he or she is asking for an important reason: your health and well-being. Before the surgeon can perform a safe operation, he or she needs a full picture of your health, restrictions, needs, and more. Don’t be embarrassed to answer questions about your own history, especially if the answers could save your life. Talk about any allergies you have, bad reactions you’ve had in the past, and any significant family history that could prepare him or her to perform your surgery. Being honest with your surgeon is one of the best ways to minimize your risk for complications because it gives him or her the power to make smart choices for you.

Minimize Risks With the Right Surgeon

Choosing the wrong plastic surgeon can leave you open to many potential complications during and after your surgery. Instead, schedule your consultation with Dr. Robert Kessler, a board certified general and facial plastic surgeon, and learn more about plastic surgery procedures that minimize your risk for complications. He completed his medical degree with honors from Tufts University in Boston as well as a distinguished General Surgical Residency with North Short/NYU in New York. Prior to that, he completed a Plastic Surgery residency with the US Air Force and the University of Texas.

Today, Dr. Kessler operates two practices in California, has worked as a surgical consultant and surgical assistant on ABC’s Extreme Makeover, and has lectured nationally and internationally on topics including facial rejuvenation, plastic surgery, and body contouring. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kessler, contact his office, located at 2121 East Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 200, in Newport Beach, CA, by calling (949) 644-6544.