Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Correcting the Top Facelift Myths

There are no boundaries when it comes to the myths people create about plastic surgery procedures, especially the facelift. Many of these myths emerge from a misunderstanding about the procedure, a rumor they heard about a botched surgery, and even a mistrust of plastic surgeons.

In practice, however, the myths that have been created about the facelift procedure simply are not true. A facelift is a positive surgical experience that can restore a patient’s youthful appearance and natural glow, changing his or her life for the better. Let’s take these myths and bust them so would-be facelift patients won’t miss the opportunity to improve their lives.

Facelift Myth #1 – Facelift Surgeons Just Pull the Skin Tighter 


There was a time, about a century ago, that facelifts were performed by pulling and tightening the skin only, then trimming away the excess. Those surgeries had very short-term results, caused many complications including nerve damage, and looked very unnatural, especially after multiple tightenings. 

Plastic surgeons took note of these shortcomings and worked to develop a better approach. They noticed that adjusting the skin alone would not achieve results; it was necessary to work with the underlying tissues and muscles of the face.

Today’s facelift procedure concentrates on restoring the youthfulness of the lower portion of the face. The facial muscles are tightened and repositioned, then the skin, to create an overall younger look. In many cases, excess fat deposits that have traveled to the jawline over time can be removed to improve the angle and contour of this area. Many patients are thrilled to discover they look and feel 10 years younger after a modern facelift procedure.

Facelift Myth #2 – Facelifts Always Look Unnatural


Given what you now know about the facelift procedure, this myth may already sound wrong. To achieve the best facelift results, the tightness and firmness is restored to the area, not imposed.

 A plastic surgeon’s chief priority is to turn back the clock for a patient, meaning you’ll look a lot more like your old (well, young) self than someone new. 

A facelift procedure is only deemed successful if the results look natural, which means no overly tight skin, no loose or lax muscles left behind, and no uneven contours that look altered in any way. Real, natural results are the name of the facelift game.

Facelift Myth #3 – Recovering from a Facelift Takes Months


All surgeries require recovery time, some more than others. In the case of a facelift procedure, recovery takes much shorter than you may think. After your procedure, the major issue you need to contend with is swelling, so rest and ice packs are all that should be on your reschedule. If you give this crucial recovery time its due, the rest of the process should fly by. 

You’ll likely revisit your doctor for drainage tubes and stitches to be removed, and then you can gradually begin to resume some lighter daily activities. Most patients are able to resume work and nearly all daily activities within 10 to 14 days following surgery. Some light swelling may persist for a few more weeks, but it will not be very noticeable. Click here to view facelift before and after images.

Facelift Myth #4 – Only Women Get Facelifts

Traditionally speaking, facelift procedures were predominantly sought by women, at least until a few years ago. There is nothing about the surgery that makes it strictly feminine in nature, which more and more men are beginning to realize. Facelifts can offer the same benefits to men as they have been to women for decades. 

Men can enjoy improved definition and contour to their chin and jawline, restoration to a more youthful appearance, and natural-looking results that can eliminate lines and wrinkles. In today’s highly visual and competitive business world, many men and women alike seek facelift surgeries to look younger and compete with their junior counterparts.

Facelift Myth #5 – Only Rich People Get Facelifts

Plastic surgeries can be expensive and are very rarely covered by insurance, leaving you to pick up the tab. With that said, most plastic surgeons only see rich and famous people in the tabloid magazines sitting in the lobby; their actual patients are everyday people who want to boost their self-confidence, improve their image, and regain some of that youthful glow.

Everyone is on a tight budget these days, yet patients are willing to make the investment to their physical well-being by visiting a plastic surgeon for a facelift. If money is a source of concern for you, don’t be afraid to bring it up during your facelift consultation. Many doctors will offer schedule delays to allow you more time to gather funds, as well as payment plans and other options. You can’t know for sure if a facelift is affordable for you unless you ask.

Facelift Myth #6 – Only Mature People Get Facelifts

Many women and men in their 30s and 40s have begun to notice the signs of aging all of their faces, yet won’t follow up with a plastic surgeon because they don’t think they’re old enough. The truth is, there is no magical age when a person gets a green light for a facial. If you have concerns about aging on your face, you could be a facelift candidate.

When those concerns get to the point that you can no longer ignore them and they are interfering with your self-esteem, schedule a consultation to take about your options. The only person who can really determine whether a facelift is right for you is your plastic surgeon, so give him the chance to evaluate your eligibility, discuss you expectations, and examine your face and features.

Facelift Myth #7 – A Facelift Lasts Forever

Wouldn’t it be nice if a surgery could stop the aging process and reverse time? Well, a facelift can help to make it look like you’ve reversed time, but it won’t be able to stop anything. Time moves forward, gravity takes hold, and eventually the same problems that plagued your face may be plaguing it again. Of course, if you’ve had a facelift, you’re still going to look ten years younger than you are, but you might start to feel like it’s time to have more work done.

This is all a natural part of the process and, unfortunately, there’s nothing that can be done to stop it. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and proper hydration can help to keep your insides well and your outsides looking younger. 

Take care of yourself to make those results last. You might also want to seek touch-up treatments between facelift surgeries, like dermal fillers or facial injections. Then, eventually, it will be time for a second facelift. Many surgeons recommend facelifts to be performed in 10-year intervals. Discuss your thoughts about the long-term care for your facelift with your plastic surgeon.

Get More Information About Facelifts

If you still have concerns that are keeping you from scheduling a facelift, why not get the answers that could set your mind at ease? Schedule your consultation with Dr. Robert Kessler, a board certified general and plastic surgeon. 

He completed his medical degree with Honors from Tufts University in Boston and completed a distinguished General Surgical Residency with North Short/NYU in New York, before a Plastic Surgery residency with the US Air Force and the University of Texas. 

Today, Dr. Kessler operates two practices in California, has worked as a surgical consultant and surgical assistant on ABC’s Extreme Makeover, and has lectured nationally and internationally on topics including facial rejuvenation, plastic surgery, and body contouring after substantial weight loss.

 To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kessler, contact his office, located at 2121 East Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 200, in Newport Beach, California by calling (949) 644-6544.