Thursday, October 3, 2013

Tight, Toned Arms: Plastic Surgeons See Increase in Brachioplasty

Orange County Brachioplasty
Many women dream of toned arms that they don't have to hide in longer sleeves, but many struggle to get their arms to cooperate with those dreams. You see toned arms mentioned in magazines ranging from Self to Shape and give the exercises a shot. Many times, you end up with muscle, but that flabby skin and fatty tissue doesn't go away without surgical removal.

Between 2011 and 2012, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery reports the number of upper arm lifts increased by 4,260. That same surgery saw an increase of more than 812 percent between 1997 and 2012, according to the same report. Brachioplasty, also known as an upper arm lift, isn't meant to replace diet and exercise, but it does help tone arms when other measures fail.

What to Expect During a Consultation

One of the things your plastic surgeon needs to check is how much excess skin and fatty tissue are present. Where the sagging skin is minimal, a mini brachioplasty may be all you need, otherwise a full brachioplasty is necessary. The benefit to a mini brachioplasty is that the incision is much smaller. For a full brachioplasty, the incision can run from your armpit to your elbow.

You will need to discuss any current or past health issues and surgeries. Your plastic surgeon must know everything about you to prevent complications during or after the surgery. Make sure you are honest about your alcohol intake, smoking, medications, and any vitamins or herbal supplements you take. If you've had past reactions to anesthesia, that is also important information for your surgeon.

Steps Taken During an Arm Lift Surgery

Brachioplasty is performed in either a surgical suite, outpatient surgery center or hospital. Your doctor will use one of two anesthesia methods: general anesthesia or IV sedation and local anesthesia. After you are asleep, an incision is made in the predetermined place on the underarm. If there is excess underarm fat, liposuction is used to remove that first.

During the surgery, the plastic surgeon trims and shapes the underlying tissue. Excess skin is excised and then the incision is closed. If drains are necessary to collect excess fluids, they are placed. Dressings are put in place to cover the incisions, and compression garments are added to minimize swelling and support the arms as they adapt to their newly toned shape. Plan for the surgery to take upwards of two hours, and then you'll stay in recovery for a short while before being released.

Healing After Arm Lift Surgery

Expect some mild discomfort for the first few days. Your plastic surgeon will prescribe prescription pain relief to keep you comfortable. Plan to return to your surgeon to have the drains removed and ensure things are healing properly. Many plastic surgeons use dissolving stitches, but if your surgeon used regular stitches you will return to have them removed in one or two weeks. Swelling takes up to two weeks to fade.

Provided that you're healing well, you will be able to return to work after five days of rest. It takes about 14 days before you can get back to exercise routines.

Are your sagging arms embarrassing you? Do you hide them behind long sleeves, even in warmer weather? You're not alone. Watch this video from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons to see how arm lift surgeries are on the rise. Dr. Kessler specializes in Newport Beach arm lifts. Schedule a consultation with his office to find out how you can feel comfortable in sleeveless shirts again. Call (949) 644-6544 or complete Dr. Kessler's online contact form.

1 comment:

  1. Plastic Surgery advantage shown here.I am also need change my eyes by help ofeyelid surgery
    Thanks for sharing.
